Luneville is in the North East of France about 90 kms from the German border.
In 1786 Sebastian Keller bought the bankrupt factory of Jaques Chambrette in Luneville. Around 1832 the son of Sebastian Keller, along with his son in law Guerin, became the owners. This resulted in the mark K&G.

Keller and Guerin gave new life to the ceramic factory by industrialising it in the 19th century.
Luneville and surrounding areas provided very skilful workers during this time.
The Keller and Guerin Luneville factory ceased production in 1981.

Mid century mark 1940-50

Late 1800s
We have KG lunevelle cup that has been exchange with a value of three slave in Africa in river Gongola Nigeria, it has a symbol like snake and lunevelle being righting on.
We knew it’s a value something but we don’t know how to reach until when I serch.
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