This mark is a combination of two different companies.
The green mark L & Cie is what is called an 'underglaze' mark and would have been applied by the manufacturer and then the piece would have been fired. The second mark, the red Ets Chadelaud, is the decorators mark. After decoration the piece would be fired again.
So a piece bearing both of these marks was made by the manufacturer Henri Lafarge and decorated by the Chadelaud Establishment.
Here is what I have discovered of these marks.
L & Cie is the mark of Henri Lafarge.
Here is the first mark I found associated with Henri Lafarge.

In 1930 Henri Lafarge and Demarty bought out the shres of co-owners of the company l'Union Porcelainière, which had been established since 1928 in the building previously owned by the Partoutaud brothers (who were associated with the very famous Limoges Porcelain company La Seynie established in 1774). In 1941 Lafarge and Nardon established a company called Sociètè Limoge Porcelaine, when Nardon Died this company merged with L'Union Porcelainière In 1963 L'Union Porcelainière was dissolved.

Lafarge then became associated with SA Porcelaine Lafarge & Cie

L&Cie Mark -This mark for L&Cie I have only found with porcelain dated at around 1963, just after Union Porcelainière was dissolved, I believe it this mark was from 1963/1964 between associations

ETS Chadelaud – ETS means Establishments
Chadelaud was a decorator. One reference mentions he had a décor workshop in Limoges from 1958, although I can find examples of items bearing this mark and, a gold Ets Chadelaud mark with a crown, I can not find reference to when he stopped.

I have spent a long time trying to figure out what the “SA” on my Limoges dish means. You are the first to explain it. Thank you!!!
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