L'Héritier-Guyot cocktails

Fruit Crème Liquers from Dijon
Since 1845
The Original Creme de cassis
L'Héritier-Guyot is one of the first liqueur houses to have emerged in the Dijon region.
In 1845, Louis-Baptise L'Héritier created the company in the heart of Burgundy using his unique cold sugaring technique. Ten years later he married Mademoiselle Guyot with whom he founded "L'Héritier-Guyot".
The French have been using crème liqueurs to enhance their drinks since mammoths walked the earth.
There are many things you can do with crème liqueurs, pair them with white or rosé wine, or on the rocks, in cocktails, beer or even cooking, suprise your guests next time with an authentic experience of France.
Here are a few cocktail suggestions from L'Hériter-Guyot for you to try.
L'Héritier-Guyot Kirr
L'Heritier Guyot Kirr
Simply pour one measure of fruit crème of your choise into a glass  and finish by adding 4 measures of shaken rosé or sparkling wine.
Blanc Cassis
Cassis de creme
One measure of L'Héritier-Guyot Crème de Cassis and four measures of shaken white wine.
L'Heritier-Guyot K Tonic
15 mls L'Héritier-Guyot Crème de Cassis
25 mls Schweppes Agrum or Lemon Tonic
100 mls white wine
Serve with ice and a twist of lemon.
Rosé Pêche
L'Heritier guyot creme de peche
1 measure L'Héritier-Guyot Crème de Pêche
4 measures Rosé wine.
Berry Beer
Berry Beer L'Heritier Guyot
Perhaps the original beer cocktail of France.
200mls of Dark beer
20-40 mls of L'Héritier-Guyot Crème de Cassis.
Bière Mangue
L'Heritier Guyot Creme de mangue
In a glass pour 1 measure of L'Héritier-Guyot Crème de Mangue, add 6 measures of lager beer.
Beer Ginger
L'Heriter Guyot Beer Ginger
A nice refreshing drink on a hot summers day.
180mls of lager beer of your choice.
30 mls of L'Héritier-Guyot Crème de Pêche
5 mls fresh lime juice
2-3 thin slices of fresh ginger.
This is just a small selection of possible cocktails to make with L'Héritier-Guyot Crème Liqueurs.  For more recipes try the L'Héritier-Guyot website.
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